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“If Christmas is in your heart and mind, you will feel it all the time.”

– Irving Berlin, Songwriter

This holiday season can be a beautiful, loving, and joyful time of the year.  We usually begin the season full of anticipation and hope, wishing to experience all this and more.  However, time constraints and chaotic days increase as we approach December 25th.  Stress, anxiety, worry, and often guilt can occupy our mind, trying to create our vision of the perfect holiday.  Seasonal activities and preparations can be exhausting, in an attempt to insure a successful celebration.   

Truthfully, we do not have to work so hard to achieve the spirit of the season.  A loving, peaceful, and joyous holiday can be created by our mind and heart.  We can create the experience we want for ourselves and choose to share that experience.  This can be done, even if events, activities, and preparations fall a bit short of expectations.  

Christian Theologian, St. Augustine wrote, “We can choose to be peaceful and loving inside us.  Then, choose to extend these into the world.”

Quantum Physicist, Stephan Mitchell wrote, “Choosing peaceful thoughts and feelings will bring a harmonious experience for us. This is universal Law.”

This holiday season decide to focus your inner thoughts and feelings on peace, love, joy, kindness and patience.  You can then extend these positive qualities into your holiday celebration.  Your emotional and physical health and well-being will benefit from your choices.  Those around you will benefit too! 

“Imagine what you wish to create.  Purposely focus your thoughts and feelings on what you desire.  Will what you desire!  You can create what you will.”

– George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prize Playwright

Wishing you and your family a peaceful and joy-filled Holiday Season!
Marcia Grimsley

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